Ah, still no luck
to be precise, chromium-browser and snapd both have sound issues in bionic
doesn't matter if you run the browser with "chromium-browser --disable-web-audio" or with "snap run chromium-browser --disable-web-audio"
it's the same
xpdf is still missing
If I run ntpdate -b pool.ntp.org, it says "date and time in NTP network is not synchronized"
How can I get it to synchronize correctly?
chromium-browser is still missing
sam113101, Is chromium-browser based on Chromium?
this is a bionic install
Ok, let's try to restore ntp configuration.
yum install ntp-server
Ok, I'm getting "No matching candidate was found for ntp-server in the yum repository
Let's try installing "ntp-server" directly.
Hmm, no installation candidate for ntp-server in yum repository.
What does this mean?
what does "yum install ntp-server" do?
I'm trying to sync my time.
ntp-server is installed, but I'm not sure whether that's the same as ntpdate
Do I need to configure ntp to do this?
I'm running ntpdate pool.ntp.org, and it's telling me "date and time in NTP network is not synchronized"
so you want to sync your machine's time to the pool.ntp.org server
you need a config file
Yes, I'm pretty sure I need to configure
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